Sugar Doll Blogger Award
The other day Corinne at Breathe and Savor hit me with the Sugar Doll Blogger Award – it’s a fun post: Share 1o random fun facts about yourself and pass it along to a blogger you admire and enjoy reading! I had a blast reading the other bloggers’s random facts and thought it’ll be nice way to get over the mid-week hump so here goes…
10 random facts about me:
– I’ve never had cavities. Nor braces. I like my teeth a lot and take very good care of them.
I have healthy teeth in spite of the copious amounts of candy I ingest
– I hate eating sweet and savory things together. My boyfriend and friends often makes fun of me for this: I consider myself a foodie but cannot appreciate fruit on my salad (you won’t see me eating a salad with cranberries or strawberries or watermelon) or chocolate on my meat (mole sauce? no way) nor those fancy salsas and chutneys (mango, pineapple, fig). I don’t even like pork chops with apple sauce or turkey with cranberry sauce. And a savory dish with raisins? Sorry. To each her own.
no, thanks
– I have a thing about NOT smelling like food. After eating at restaurants with uh, some “fragrant” cuisine (Chinese, Indian, Korean BBQ, fajitas) I obsessively smell my hair and clothes and immediately want to go home and shower.
a recent Chinatown feast left me smelly but VERY happy
– I know how to speak in sign language. My sister Monica communicates with us through sign language and we sign back to her hand (because she can’t see). However my family has a special way of doing it (for instance, I learned it when I was at a very young age, so my sign language isn’t exactly grammatically correct) so it’s almost like we have our own language.
I think I was signing, “can I have your leftover dessert please?”
– I don’t like bell peppers but I love any other kind of pepper, especially the hot ones (habanero, ghost chili, etc)
I like it hot, hot, hot
– The first Filipino meal I cooked for my boyfriend was salpicao (marinated beef in soy sauce, garlic and lots of pepper), served with sinangag (garlic fried rice) and a fried egg. I thought it was delicious until… he started throwing up :p He must’ve gotten food poisoning from a bad piece of meat (that’s what I get for buying cheap beef on sale at Shaw’s) because I ate the same thing and felt fine hehe.
thank you to the bf for eating anything I make/bake/shake
– I am scared of heights. But I went parasailing and I loved it! (after the nervous shaking calmed down)
it was amazing!
– I’ve never had a smart phone – but this will change soon because I am planning on buying the white iPhone once it comes out.
I’ve been thinking about this for a long time
– I’ve only been admitted to the ER once (thank God). I am allergic to a lot of things and break out in hives. Last year when I was in the Philippines, my hives got so bad (combination of heat, stress and food) that my dad had to rush me to the ER. For a while I was taking up to 10 different kinds of medication (steroids, antihistamines, etc) but fortunately my allergies have immensely improved and now I hardly get hives any more – thanks to acupuncture, stress management, and cleaner foods. And Zyrtec.
my souvenir
– I like sending postcards to my family and friends when I visit a new place. I love receiving postcards too. When I was a kid, I was ecstatic whenever my parents would send me and my sisters postcards from their travels. There is something so sweet and simple about them.
postcards make the world a better place!
I’m tagging these gals:
Melissa @ Melissa Nibbles
Michelle @ Fun and Fearless in Beantown
Megan @ Delicious Dishings