Confessions of a Chocoholic Facebook Page

Dear Friends,

Confessions of a Chocoholic now has a Facebook page! It’s:

This week, I went through years of blog posts and dutifully uploaded some of my favorite photos already. (And by “some” I mean 300.) I’ll post sneak peaks of upcoming blog posts there, food links, and other musings.  And we can have discussions there, too. I know some of you are shy to comment on the blog, and are more comfortable commenting on Facebook. You can do that now, or you can contact me however way you want. Just know that each time I hear from one of you guys, my heart swells with happiness.

If you would be so inclined, please LIKE my new page! And help me spread the word :)

Have a great weekend, everyone!

PS – if there’s anything you want me to feature on the Facebook page, or if you have any suggestions, let me know.


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