I have to admit: I used to hate veggies. So much that when I was a kid I would disgustingly throw away the sole pickle slice on a McDonald's cheeseburger. But during the...
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One of the regular shows on my DVR is The Real Housewives of New York City, and I think the most entertaining housewife is Bethenny (even though she's not really a housewife haha). I've...
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This super yummy parfait has a thin layer of honey at the bottom, the most luxuriously thick Greek yogurt, and a separate container of a granola mix with cranberries and pistachios. I am...
It's no secret that I'm a big fan of Queen O, and thanks to her Best Life Week (even though it's just Wednesday today, I'm already loving it), I decided to take My Real...
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I love my new hot pink ipod so much (thanks to the boyfriend!) that today, don't judge- I went to the spa to have my nails done in the same color. heehee...
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So I will be spending Christmas Day with the boyfriend and his family and I've been racking my brain on what I can bring and share with everyone. I'm definitely bringing sweets (no question...
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I know everyone has the tendency to get caught up in the holiday rush but let's not forget the Reasons for The Season, as Oprah says. And maybe this isn't my most eloquent...
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I've been eating Annie's Cheddar Bunnies for months (I consider them my healthier alternative to Goldfish crackers, given that they're organic and all that) but only this weekend did I try out the...
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Well, my apartment make-over is almost complete – although at this point I have to say that it will be the most complete it could be, due to monetary restrictions (I still plan on...
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Taken from Very Good Taste this is a fun activity that lets people analyze a list of 100 things that, according to VGT, every good omnivore should have tried at least once in...
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